Thursday, November 29, 2012

Supermellow is muy molesto!

"I'm not hostile. I'm annoyed." - Kat Stratford, 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

I think I have turned supermellow.

Not just mellow. No, mellow is normal. Mellow is like an old orange (jangan tanya apa maksud aku). I am now supermellow, the kind of extreme mellowness (is that a word) that makes you almost unbearable to yourself.

I think it started with my new year's resolution 11 months back. I told myself that I wouldn't be sarcastic anymore. No. Sarcasm in your early 20s is just funny. Sarcasm in your late 20s as someone with a career and family is just experience taking a shit on amateur's back..... (why is experience taking a shit on amateur's back? That just doesn't make any sense...... what is happening with my analogies?). But being sarcastic in my late 20s is just like asking myself to be called 'that spiteful woman'.

Okay, that's not the real reason. I wanted to stop being sarcastic because I seemed to have taken it to a new level, where it actually feels like I am punching you in the face and I am not apologetic by it. I just don't want to be that person, not because I care about the person I hurt (heck, he can die and live again and I am still not apologetic about it), but because I don't want to ruin my book of deeds. I think semua pahala aku hilang mostly on that part. Hari ni derma RM10 kat orang miskin, esok make fun of my former colleague's delusion of grandeur, lost that RM10 pahala (this is just an example).

But in trying to not being as much biting as I was before (oh, I snide some... just occasionally), it makes me more attune to what I write. "Oh, I shouldn't write this. People will get hurt by it!" Once upon a time, kalau aku terfikir macam tu, my other self will say, "Oh screw them all..." and I will keep on continuing my quest through my mordant path. Sekarang tak boleh. It even affected my writing sedikit sebanyak. Aku jadi macam sangat aware dengan apa yang aku tulis dan impak terhadap masyarakat dan diri sendiri.

This is muy annoying.

Aku harap my old self will come back. No, not so I can hurt that worthless piece of shit-with-a-dick again, tapi supaya aku boleh jadi diri sendiri dalam penulisan aku. Dahlah sekarang ni aku sangat attune to grammar. Bukanlah aku nak kata tak elok kalau nak jaga tatabahasa, lebih baiklah tatabahasa tersusun. Tapi aku rasa penulisan aku jadi lambat nak siap sebab aku asyik check every other word untuk pastikan betul. Daripada ayat tu normal, dah jadi macam surat rasmi kerajaan Malaysia. Siapa nak baca? I mean, ko baca tak surat pekeliling kerajaan?

I rest my case. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Their actual sin is of creating obesity

In questioning sama ada aku boukot McD atau tak... here is my answer to an FB status of a friend of mine.

Aku rasa kesilapan org ialah memahami benda tu sebagai isu halal dan haram instead of understanding that boycotting the product is more of a socio-political stand towards the issue. Not using a product is an economic boycott, not unlike demonstrasi, (atau suatu masa dulu boikot dengan berlapar depan kedutaan). Boycotting something is part n parcel of making a statement towards certain political authority or multinational corporations yg bukan je khusus untuk org Islam atau org Melayu je, but to anybody yg nak make a stand on something (like those people in Wales yg buat demo depan TESCO or the guys in McD UK). 

Masalahnya, again, kita sbg org Melayu selalu salah concept sebab kita nampak the atrocity occurred towards Muslims. Ada yg terlebih2 sgt sampai mengharamkan benda tu. Ada pulak yg memperlekehkan usaha org lain.

Senang kata, in the end, we shud all do our part in our own way, not belittling people yang nak berjuang dgn cara sendiri and at the same time, tak menghina org lain yg tak follow cara perjuangan diorang.

In the end, ada org nak boikot, ada org taknak. Org yg boikot, takyah menghina org yg taknak, org yg taknak, toksah memperkotak-katikkan usaha org yg nak.

Bak kata Rabiey, (aku conclude) : it's more towards YOUR OWN stand. YOUR OWN principle towards this atrocity towards HUMANITY.

Ya, banyak sangat company kalau ko nak crush, tapi a) you have to realise beza Zionists and Jews, b) you have to really really know what company is contributing. Pada aku keberkesanan memboikot ni lebih kepada sending a message that if you could crush other people's country, I can crush your economy. But then again, kita pun ada spesis overly optimistic and sangat eager sampai lupa nak jaga santun kita dalam usaha nak memboikot, ada pulak pesimistik sampai rasa sume ni pointless.

As for me, I do what I can with the thought : Kalau negara aku kena serang, apa perasaan aku menengok orang lain bergaduh2 tanpa sebab, makin bertelagah sampai jadi dua faction tapi tak membantu apa2 dalam perjuangan langsung. Aku boikot McD tak? Aku memang dah dua bulan boikot McD for personal reasons (hipster Shai), so this is like a continual to my personal boycott against their saturated oily fatness. Lagipun ramai pilih McD ni sebab McD ni senang nak diboikot. Tak jual makanan yang menyihatkan dan seriously, bukannya mati pun kalau tak makan McD. Ahahahaha. Adakah aku boikot benda lain? Kalau aku mampu, insyaa Allah. Adakah aku rasa orang lain yang tak boikot tu lemah? I don't even know what else they did, how can I judge them? Maybe diorang tak boycott barangan Israel tapi diorang belanjakan duit yg sangat banyak untuk didermakan atau diorang habiskan sepanjang malam berdoa dan buat solat hajat untuk kesejahteraan org Palestin... God knows best. I am no judge of people's character.

Cuma kadang2 ada sesetengh orang tu aku kritik jugak, tapi sebab aku paham perangai diorang camna. Like this one dude, yang asik mengomel itu ini, bukan pasal is Palestin ni je tapi pasal sume bende (spesis yg marah orang Bersih buat demo sebab buat jalan jem tapi bila gomen naikkan harga barang pun dia marah jugak, dia kritik sume bende yg wujud di muka bumi and harap org lain untuk buat sth tanpa dia perlu buat apa2). Tapi itu kritikan aku pada dia as a person yg aku kenal perangai dan tingkah lakunya n mmg aku anoyed sejak dulu, bukan to the whole community of people with different views.

Pesan Imam Ghazali, (this is a paraphrase, dun use this sentence and please find the actual wording) ada dua jenis manusia yang akan menghancurkan agamanya. Satu, yang memang berniat untuk menghancurkan agamanya, dan kedua, yang terlalu ekstrim dalam berdakwah sampai menjauhkan orang lain dari agamanya.

Let's do our part, let's not condemn others. Yay!

**Putting Gaza issue aside, sedar tak apa masalah sebenarnya kita ni? Bukan masalah boikot ke ape ke... tapi more like, ekonomi orang Islam ni sangat suck, sampaikan bila masa nak boycott, susah sangat nak buat. So marilah kita bersama2 membangunkan ekonomi orang Islam. Hayya hayya ya rijal!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

You can't do this to me, Google!

Sorry for the weird wormy thingy on the last entry. It's not a worm. I was just trying to (amateurly) verify my blog on Webmaster Tools and that stupid thing said "Upload it to your blog"....

Upload it on what???

But then I was finally able to do so (by googling, since blogger doesn't help at all). I don't know if - like me -you guys can't open my blog and was blocked with a warning from Google saying that the blog may be harmed with malware from emmagem. The problem is I never even went to emmagem, upload anything from it or know what the hell emmagem is.

So I checked on Webmaster tool and it said the blog is safe. I tried with Google Safebrowsing and it said the blog is safe. Heck, I even scanned it with Sucuri and it said the blog is safe. Yet, the stupid warning is still out. So all I'm saying is that the blog is safe. It's just Google being overly protective.

Then I found out, even my Template page on Blogger has been blocked. Now, I can't check that with sucuri or webmaster tool or Google safebrowsing, since that is Blogger's responsibility. So I will wait until Blogger is responsible enough to clean out their own closet.

I still can't remove the warning thingy and I am sick of reading every single piece of advice and how-to out there. So, I will just wait until Google decides to stop blocking my path to my own blog.

Ya hear me, Googly?


Monday, November 12, 2012

Those songs... Part III (HIgh School Musical?)

Pergh, the third version datang lambat gila. Ini disebabkan aku terlalu sibuk dan terpaksa bagi laluan pada entry yang tak embed with Youtube vids supaya blog aku ni tak hanged.

Anyways, ini lagu2 yang mengingatkan aku tentang zaman2 remaja di SMKA Kuala Selangor


Maaflah sebab suara yang menyanyi ni ada lari key kat second verse (and almost every verse). Tapi masa zaman sekolah, kitorang lebih menganggap lagu ni macam lagu sekolah berbanding our actual lagu sekolah sampai komposer lagu sekolah kitorang kecik ati. Ahahahaha.
Eh, sape yang nyanyi kat Youtube ni? Maghfirah la, bukan maghrifat. Apakah itu maghrifat? Cheh.


Tapi lagu ni memang cam lagu yang sangat popular masa aku sekolah menengah. Semua orang kalau dengar lagu ni memang akan tunggu bahagian "ku nanti nanti nanti nanti sendiri lagi".


Apalah bebudak remaja ini faham tentang the fall of the Berlin Wall atau signifikan lagu ni dengan peristiwa tu. Pada kitorang, lagu ini adalah lagu yang kitorang akan dengar setiap pagi sebab pekerja dewan makan akan bukak radio dan main lagu Scorpion. Setiap kali dengar lagu ni, aku teringat era form one. Aku sangat tak suka era form one. Asik jadi bahan buli orang je.


Of course kitorang sangat ingat lagu ni sebab masa kitorang form three, kitorang perform lagu ni masa jamuan akhir tahun ASPURI. Tapi kitorang buat versi nasyid. Masitah was the solo singer. Aku ingat aku tgh tido dalam bilik waktu tengah hari sebab migrain, bila suddenly bebudak bilik aku kejut and kata, "Weyh, kitorang nak buat nasyid untuk jamuan aspuri. Lagu Standing in the Eyes of the World". Asalkan tak suruh aku yang jadi solo, aku ok kan je. Ahahahaha.


Aku sangat ingat lagu ni sebab dulu ada sorang senior kitorang mengorat Masitah dengan lagu ni. Setiap kali si Mas lalu depan kelas diorang, dia akan panggil, "Masitah!", and then bila minah tu menoleh, dia sambung "...kita termangu di bawah pepohon..." seolah2 dia sebenarnya sebut "Masihkah" dan bukan "Masitah". Kalau bukan disebabkan dia memang buat lawak yang sama every single day, kitorang tak perasan pon dia tengah mengusik si Mas.


Zaman2 sangat obses dengan M.Nasir, aku tengok filem yang sebenarnya tak best mana ni disebabkan M.Nasir berlakon jadi watak Masterji, siap curik tengok kat kantin sekolah waktu riadah. Pastu hari-hari nyanyi lagu ni, although sebenarnya lagu ni tak sedap pon. Ahahahahaha.


Masa aku form two, suddenly Malaysia was exploded with the nasyid revolution. It started with Raihan and this song. Masa album ni keluar, aku pesan kat Redzwan Shah (Motot) untuk belikan kasetnya (ya, kaset. Sungguh antik. Ahahahha) kat Tanjong Karang. Bila gotong-royong je mesti main lagu ni. Bila nasyid jadi satu in-thing masa tu, bebudak yang sekolah agama suma rasa cam best and sangat advance in the trend. Suddenly semua orang pun minat bebudak nasyid. Ahaha.


Ya, zaman aku adalah zaman kegemilangan Siti. Aku tak minat Siti, sebab masa tu aku rasa aku terlalu cool dan cuma dengar lagu M.Nasir je. Aahahahaha. But aku ada seorang senior satu dorm. Katil dia sebelah katil aku dan kekadang bila kitorang boring, dia memang sangat suka Siti dan akan menyanyi lagu ni. Then dia tak sambung belajar kat SMKAKS bila masuk form four. Then I heard she joined BINTANG RTM. Tak lama lepas tu dia join MALAYSIAN IDOL Season 2. Tak lama lepas tu dia join GANGSTARZ under the group AKASIA. She was then known as Oya Akasia. But during those time I knew her, she was only known as Kak Suria.


Zaman aku remaja, the world was all about boybands. One of the most popular song at the time was ALAYLM. Masa tu BSB macam the pioneer to other boybands with cheesy dances and stupid sing-along lyrics. Unbeknownst to me, when I am at the age of 29, the world is again under the helm of cheesy dances and stupid sing-along lyrics. And it's called K-Pop.


Oih, orang kampong den. I love this song, but the bus driver yang bawak bas Metro Kuala Selangor - Klang suka sangat bukak lagu ni time kitorang balik dari asrama atau dari rumah nak balik asrama, sampai setiap kali aku dengar lagu ni, aku teringat bau bas, its constant brake dan suara announcement "Satu ringgit satu ringgit. Kain murah satu ringgit!" kat Ocean Klang.


Lagu pertama Indonesia yang jadi sangat hit kat Malaysia pada tahun 1999 sampai menyebabkan hampir bertahun lamanya radio Malaysia filled with Indonesian songs. During that time, aku tingkatan empat. Khaty (Faizatul Ismah) suka buat konsert kat barisan belakang dan nyanyi lagu ni time perhimpunan whilst waiting for perhimpunan dimulakan.


Masa aku form four, budak bilik aku si Yak suka menyanyi lagu ni sambil meniru gaya Amy Mastura menyanyi. Kitorang suka stack tilam tinggi2, and then jadikan pentas, and she would be singing it sambil gayakan fesyen rambut Amy Mastura at that time. Yes, we were in need of entertainment at that time. Yak je sumber entertainment kitorang. Ahahaha.


Lagu favourite Zunn masa form four. The Moffats was the 90s Jonas Brothers.


Friday, November 9, 2012

PET PEEVES: Resurrected

"I got pet peeves. You got pet peeves. He got pet peeves. We all got pet peeves," to quote Gyp Rosetti.

I lied. Gyp Rosetti said, "I got a gun"... but, oh well...

And ini semua pet peeves aku. And if you don't know what pet peeves means, bukak dictionary atau google it, sebab my other pet peeve is people yang malas nak cari info sendiri dan asyik mengharapkan ia dihidang on a silver platter. Ahahaha.

But anyway, aku tak kata benda ni bodoh (aku bukanlah macam ada seorang student pascasiswazah yang tak suka novel melayu tu based on a very detailed research on various literature... and when I said based on detailed research, I mean 'kutuk semberono'... *aku saja control perlian aku selama seminggu lebih just so Zara Amani baca that popular blog and then we can make fun of it together*). Apa aku maksudkan ialah, benda2 ni mungkin orang lain tak kisah, tapi agak annoying pada aku. Sesetengahnya tak worth untuk dijadikan isu pun, cuma aku sorang je ada isu dengan benda tu.

And here's some of it:

The saying,"Haters gonna hate".

Apa maksudnya tu? What is "haters"? Adakah sejenis profesion? Adakah satu golongan manusia yang membenci? Bukankah itu bermakna semua orang juga haters sebab semua orang pun akan membenci sesuatu? Apa antonym untuk haters? LIKERS? Will there be "Likers gonna like"? Or "Lovers gonna love"? "Eaters gonna eat"? "Syahida gonna syahid"? 

That's like saying, "Saya tak ada concrete comment or anything to back me up, so.... haters gonna hate yo!!"
Saying 'haters gonna hate' pada aku seperti mengundang orang untuk bertambah benci. I especially hate it sebab kebanyakan orang yang guna ayat ni adalah reality TV stars yang memang sengaja annoy orang lain for them to be able to say that. Nicki Minaj adalah antara artis yang paling suka menggelar orang yang tak suka dia sebagai haters, so setiap kali anda guna "haters gonna hate", you are only reminding me of how much aku tak suka Nicki Minaj.

Comic sans

There is nothing truer than what David Mitchell said in the clip below:

"You're just jealous"

As in, for example, when you watch HyunA on YouTube and think "This is crass. That girl tries too hard to be sexy and she's too young to do that move" and saw someone saying the same thing in the comment section, and someone else will be like, "You're just jealous because you can't do it like her" or "You're just jealous because she's popular." Are we in primary school? Why is being concerned with the world's definition of morality nowadays equals to "being jealous" of someone's asset, i.e, boobs (or the lack of it), ability to dance, ability (or imaginary ability) to sing, bum and fake tan?

Penggunaan "Gonna to"

Aku bukan grammar nazi, far from being one. Kalau aku gelar diri aku macam tu, aku kena pastikan aku tak buat walau sikit pun kesalahan tatabahasa (kalau tak nanti orang persoalkan pulak), dan itu agak menyusahkan hidup. But seriously... gonna is short for "going to". Saying "I'm gonna to" is saying, "I am going to to". Aku sangat annoyed setiap kali muncul ayat macam tu. It's not even grammar thing for me. It's more "logic" and "common sense" than grammar.

The other one would be "wanna", like "I wanna to go to the concert". Kalau dah kata "wanna", tak perlu tambah "to". That's like saying "Saya NAK HENDAK pergi konsert."

Meanwhile, my bestfriend Mun's pet peeve is using "wanna" in this sense:
"I wanna ice cream".
What? You want to ice cream? Sejak bilakah ice cream jadi verb? "I want ice cream", that's how you say it.
Nad's pet peeve pulak ialah salah ejaan, macam "patient" jadi "passion" atau "message" jadi "massage" sebab those are the kinds of ejaan yang kalau ko salah eja akan jadi maksud lain. Although,... aku pernah terbuat jugak. Aku tulis peasant (orang) as pheasant (burung). That's how lecturer aku bagi aku a big X masa test. Hahahahaha....

Oh, dan aku sangat annoyed bila orang nyanyi lagu BSB tu, "If you wanna be a good girl, get yourself a bad boy." That doesn't make any sense. It's "If you want IT to be good (ada koma di sini) girl." 

Jangan suruh aku explain apa maksudnya. I'm a good girl who doesn't want any bad boy just for IT to be good.    

Komen "Nerakalah tempat kau"

Oh, awak tu alim sangat ke sampai nak troll orang dengan ayat macam tu?
Ya, saya faham. Mungkin orang tu buat salah atau orang tu cakap benda yang tak sepatutnya. Mengapakah sebagai orang Islam, your instinct is to kick people into hell? Imam Ghazali pernah kata, there are two types of douchebags (he didn't use that word. I did). Satu, yang mengajak kepada kemungkaran. Dua, yang mengajak ke arah kebaikan dengan cara yang tak betul sampai orang menjauhkan diri dari agama.

Let's change for the betterment of society. Let's not hukum orang macamlah kita ni sah2 masuk syurga, shall we?

Filem dengan tanda kolon (atau maksudnya tanda : or =)
Especially filem orang putih. Tajuk aku tu (sila lihat tajuk entry ini) adalah the epitome of my annoyance. "Silent Hill: Revelation", "Resident Evil: Retribution", "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift". Tapi itu less annoying pada aku berbanding yang ni...

Penggunaan perkataan "Langsi" oleh kaum adam berbangsa melayu yang bila anda tengok, anda pasti dia tak berupaya membelasah sesiapa pun

Dua tiga bulan lepas, adik aku dengan kawan dia involved in a minor accident dengan sorang mamat ni. Aying kata dia cuma nak selesaikan baik-baik, tapi mamat tu tak abis-abis cuba berlagak gangster dan asik cakap, "Lu jangan langsi. Lu jangan langsi dengan gua."

Dia kata daripada nak selesaikan baik-baik, dia rasa nak call semua kawan-kawan dia dan belasah mamat tu. Well, I would have kalau aku lelaki berbadan besar dan ada sekumpulan kawan-kawan yang juga berbadan besar. Sebab isu di sini bukan perkataan langsi tu. Isunya di sini ialah perasaan konon gangster bila menggunakan istilah tu dan cuba nak carik gaduh. Kita kan sama2 melayu, cakap jelah baik-baik. Maksudnya, kalau saya terlanggar kereta orang lain, anda tidak  akan melihat saya keluar sambil berkata, "Yo, whassup, hommie? Whatchu done deboed my ride fo, foo'? You ain't gonna get no moolah fo dat, ya dig?"

Bila kita melakukan kesalahan, haruslah kita berbahasa melayu dengan sempurna dan memulakan dengan saling bermaaf-maafan ye?


Seriously. Let's just not talk about its effectiveness as aurat cover. Let's just say that sebagai orang yang ada migraine, tengok orang pakai turban buat aku rasa sakit kepala. I hate the 80s. Turbans, shoulder pads, baju tuck in dalam seluar, those are all pet peeves pada aku sebab I just don't like 80s and early 90s fashion.   It reminds me of zaman sekolah rendah. Aku tak suka sekolah rendah. Sekolah pagi, sekolah petang, kerja sekolah, denda berdiri atas kerusi. Ugh.

And lastly, I have said it many times before but...


Aku tak nak persoalkan orang lain kalau diorang suka. Itu hak diorang. Tapi aku annoyed with motivational posters telling me why I should be proud being single. Why do I have to be proud about anything as such? Not being married is just a fact, not some sort of a league, or a movement, or a stand or a philosophy about life, or something I have to defend.

Words such as this:

Or this:

Or this:

to me is a testament of loneliness. Just don;t involve me in your oh-so cool single club. I am too old for that.

But then again, itu cuma benda-benda yang menjengkelkan aku. Tak bermakna benda tu drop dead salah (except menerakakan orang, yang tu memang salah. Memang sangat sangat salah!).

What's yours?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Of Love and Hate

Each and every person that came into your life has a value.

Kenapa tiba-tiba tulis entry melankolia camtu? Ahahahaha. Sebab I was asked why I hate a certain person so much.

Hate is a big word. Hate is too much. I don't necessarily hate people. I am taught to forgive and forget. But it doesn't mean that I do both. It's 'either or', naturally. But saying that I hate someone is just a dramatic way to say I am annoyed.

Every person in one's life has a value. Be it just the stranger who gets into the train before you or a man who once was in your life, they all have a meaning. What we did and didn't do plays a crucial part in the whole system, in the cycle of life. Everybody comes and changes things, be it big or small. And it may not matter much when the changes are too small that you don't see. But when the changes are big enough that it resembles an elephant in the room, that is when the value of that person changes.

Let's say A is friends with B, and they are so nice to each other that B is valued at a higher place rather than anybody else. Then B did something that triggered a change - maybe small, maybe big - in the course of A's life. Hence, A changes her or his attitude, much to B's chagrin. It doesn't mean that A hates B. It just means that A has changed the value of B in his or her life. B is never much a change in A's memory. The good things about B and what B has done is still in A's mind. It's just that when the value of B changes, so is A's attitude towards B.

If that is a "Heh?" to you, let me just explain it this way. I used to have a friend who has helped me a lot in my life. A lot. I will never deny that. It doesn't matter that sometimes the friend sometimes annoy me to bits, the fact that this person was a big assistance to me in one part of my life, caused me to put all annoyance aside. But then things changed, because life is all about changes. Something the friend said was so hurtful that it prompted me to do something that ended worse than what I expected.

Not blaming anybody but myself for what I did, but remembering that what was said was too painful for me to just sweep away, I realised that the value of that friend changed. The admiration I have for the person is still there, but it's a distant memory that is right there in the same shelves as my love for Dunkin Donuts or my obsession for Jay Chou. It's not gone, but it's also not there.

When a value of someone became a distant memory, you restart everything. Restarting things means that you don't have the same value - that may include the admiration, the respect, the ability to withstand anything that makes you oblivious to the person's weaknesses. And restarting things means that all the things that you once ignore, is now there for you to see and it's rock solid. And, while once upon a time you forgive a kind of behaviour or you think the behaviour is funny, the different value you have for that person now renders it useless - that when you change the person's values, your expectation changes too.

What people don't understand is that when they did something - whether they realised it or not, or whether they atoned for it or not, nothing remains the same. You may have been forgiven or you may be not, but chances are, things changed. It's not something that the other person wanted too. It's just human nature. So if you think that once upon a time, your jokes were funny to a certain someone or what you do is considered admirable by that other person - it may not be anymore. It used to be, but that's not because the joke was funny or the things were admirable, it was funny or great because YOU were telling/doing them. When your value changes, the other person doesn't laugh or be awed anymore, and that is because YOU don't have the same value anymore.

We are all guilty of changing values in our lives. We all have done it - putting up new boundaries and restarting ourselves. But boundaries are made to remind ourselves the lesson we learned. We don't hate a particular person. They are still the same person you used to know, but it doesn't mean that the person still have that VIP seat in your life. That is all.